Four Mistakes To Avoid With Your Split System Installation

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With a split system, you'll be able to get the same results as a central air conditioning unit without having to go through the hassle of installing ducts. Best of all, there's no need to replace your entire HVAC system just because you want to install a split system. You can keep your old furnace and use your existing ductwork to install this type of air conditioner. However, if you do decide to add a split system to your home, there are some mistakes that you will want to avoid. Here are four mistakes that can cost you when it comes time for installation.

1. Forgetting About The Refrigerant Line With Your Split System Installation  

It may not seem like this line is important since it's relatively small and doesn't require much in the way of labour costs, but it is important nonetheless. When you're shopping for air conditioners, make sure that you factor in the cost of refrigerant lines. This will allow you to have an accurate figure regarding how much it will cost to install your new AC unit.

2. Improper Coil Placement With Your Split System Installation

The evaporator coil in your AC unit must be positioned properly so that it can serve its purpose and absorb heat from the surrounding area before expelling it outside. One of the most common issues people run into when installing a split system is improper coil placement. The evaporator coil should always be installed in the highly ventilated area of a home that gets the most use, such as the living room or family room. An evaporator coil can freeze over if it is placed in an area with little ventilation, so making sure your coils are placed properly will save you money on future repairs as well as make your system more efficient.

3. Buying The Wrong Size Air Conditioner For Split System Installation

One of the most frequent mistakes that people make when it comes to their split system installation is purchasing an air conditioner that isn't large enough for the room or area that they are cooling. This is something that you should not try to determine on your own, because you may either purchase something too large or too small. It's best to have your new unit professionally measured before you make a purchase so that you know exactly what size will be best.

4. Failing To Properly Insulate The Ducts With Your Split System Installation

You'll need to spend some time insulating the ductwork of your new split system in order to maximise its efficiency and ensure maximum comfort. If the ducts aren't properly insulated, there's a chance that cool air could be lost through the ducts instead of flowing into your home as desired. You'll also want to be sure that there is no leakage around any joints in your ductwork, as this can lead to safety issues and costly repairs.

If you are thinking about installing a new ducted air conditioning, be sure to do your research to avoid these four problems with split system installations that could lead to expensive repairs. Chat with an expert in split system installation to make sure you've got the right split system set up for you.

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About Me

The Many Benefits of Installing HVAC Hello! My name is Jake. I am the kind of guy who finds out about a subject and then who must learn everything he can about it. A subject I have focused on in recent times is HVAC. This might seem a little strange. However, my interest was sparked when an HVAC contractor visited my home to install a new air con system. He was really friendly and he took the time to answer my questions. Since then, I have been doing everything I can to learn about HVAC. I hope you enjoy reading what I have written on my blog.

